Welcome from Arnold E. Holtzberg Headmaster History Lower School Middle School Upper School

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"The development of an open, lively mind, a generous, compassionate spirit and a commitment to excellence - we seek to achieve these ideals through small, steady, individual steps taken day by day together.  We are partners on this road."

Fourth Grade Teacher
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The Lower School experience provides boys with a strong foundation in academic skills, love of learning, and community participation, as well as a sense of personal responsibility.  The educational program is designed specifically to meet the needs of boys in grades one through four.  High expectations and small classes allow for individual attention which fosters intellectual development and self-confidence.  Additionally, we want each of our students to grow in physical and social skills and to develop empathy and spiritual awareness.

The academic program in the Lower School offers courses in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, as well as instruction in performing and fine arts.  In all areas of study, outstanding teachers motivate, inspire, and encourage students to stretch their imaginations and become independent, self-confident learners.  The physical education program aims at developing attitudes, habits, and skills for healthy living and later participation in all kinds of sports, while our non-sectarian chapel programs present boys with the opportunity to consider moral and spiritual issues.  The study of Japanese language and culture is introduced at the third grade, and in the fourth grade we integrate language arts, social studies, and study skills to form Humanities classes.   Throughout the Lower School program, students develop sound independent and group work habits as well as concentration and perseverance when confronted with difficulty.

The Lower School provides an atmosphere in which successes are recognized, good manners are fostered, and responsible behavior is valued and reinforced.   By nurturing, encouraging, challenging, and setting goals as well as limits, teachers help students to maintain balance and a sense of purpose.  Boys have many opportunities to make developmentally-appropriate decisions in a supportive atmosphere.   The Lower School program provides ample structure, but creativity, flexibility, and innovation are also very much in evidence.

Your St. Mark's student's success depends to a great extent on the partnership between the school and family.  Thus, we emphasize communication with parents as a fundamental link in the education process.  To focus clearly on boys' skill development and enjoyment of learning, letter grades are not given, but Lower School teachers report on student progress and program development in conferences and written comments throughout the year.  In return, teachers want to hear regularly from parents regarding concerns, questions, issues in need of resolution, and positive observations.

Head of the Lower School

| Welcome | History | Lower School | Middle School | Upper School |

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